Index Computer Profiles Games

Felenov's fucking website.

This is my fucking website and it's fucking perfect

Read the fucking hot takes



Radiant is CCTV software for large scale deployments designed with security and functionality in mind. Radiant is written in C++ and supports plugins that compile to WebAssembly

Read here


NEX stands for Network EXchange. It's a advanced tool that allows users to exchange files between networks quickly. NEX can work in standalone mode, in deployments with many clusters working together, or in a federation where multiple instances are run by different administrators. NEX is inspired by FedFS by Eye2X, which offers similar functionality, is written in Erlang and is focused more on enterprise use. Meanwhile NEX is designed for networks that handle very sensitive information and offers many additional security measures. NEX is written in C++ and has out-of-the-box support for the nginx web server.


IRC-S but on crack - Treat it like IRC but with features of Discord/Teamspeak/[your_favourite_chat_application_here] and using imgui and Radiant's Datagrids protocols. Text, voice, video, files, all the shit and self-hosted. Written in C++ with WebAssembly plugin support. Instances (servers) can talk to each other too. Can be treated as teamspeak with unlimited seats.


A game engine for the game I am working on. The engine is written from the ground up using VS2019 and is meant to compile for Windows, Linux and WebAssembly to run in browsers. Supports Intel and NVIDIA graphics adapters and CPU rendering. Requires Intel processors to work. AMD GPU is NOT supported as of now.


ChatGPT but specifically taught to analyze/generate code in C++ yet for some reason it works better on Java, probably because of the explicit syntax.

I don't know what the actual fuck this shit does, but we can work around that limitation if you are willing to risk the entire thing going up in flames
-Felenov (GitHub, 2022)